
Crafting A Quality Research Paper On Human Trafficking In Thailand

As you set your mind to crafting a quality research paper about issues of human trafficking in Thailand, there are certain things you need to take into consideration. A paper of this kind would require some probing into what is really happening in Thailand along with facts on the ground. This article is to help you know what you need to get a quality paper crafted on Thailand’s human trafficking issues.

  • Knowing the current state of human trafficking in Thailand
  • This is the first step in composing a paper of this kind. For your benefit, Thailand is globally known as a profiting point of modern slavery, something the Thai government has promised to fix, but seems not to have done so because the situation keeps worsening. The country is home to a high population of migrant workers mostly from Myanmar, Thai’s neighboring country. These migrant workers link up with Thailand border recruiters who promise them good jobs with decent wages, only to be sold later into slavery especially in fishing boats and seafood processing plants.

    The government seems not to have grasped the situation because the main issue causing this trafficking is overlooked: corruption. The country’s rate of corruption which is the cause of all these slavery issues seems not to be properly taken care of by both sides of the political aisle.

  • Acquainting yourself with internal trafficking in the country.
  • It is also good to know internal trafficking issues in Thailand to craft a good dissertation paper. Internal trafficking in the country is mostly with women and children who are exploited as commercial sex workers. According to UNESCO officials, ethnic minorities, women and girls from Hill Tribes of the northern sector are the most vulnerable.

  • Crafting your paper
  • As mentioned above, a paper of this kind needs data, research and more probing. One needs to find out what is really happening in the country, the current state of human trafficking, what causes these slavery activities and what other groups including Thai’s government and international bodies are doing to help curb the cancer.

  • Get yourself a draft.
  • When all data is gathered, get yourself a draft first and then build your work alongside it. Do all the necessary corrections as you move along and remember to verify all unclear data issues that you may have, because, writing anything wrong will arouse interested groups such as international bodies, the Thai government and more.

You should start from the general issues and narrow down as you move. Make sure to provide relevant and well-referenced sources to support your views. When you do all these, the chances are that you will get the best score in your thesis paper.

